Devonport Royal Dockyard
This section provides access to Devonport Royal Dockyard site-specific regulatory and related information including Environmental Monitoring Results and Local Liaison Committee arrangements (see links at the bottom of this page).
Radiation (Emergency Preparedness and Public Information Regulations 2019 (REPPIR) establishes a framework from which to protect the public from radiation accidents. The presence of nuclear-powered submarines at Devonport means there is a small risk of a radiation emergency.
REPPIR requires the Ministry of Defence and Babcock as the on-site operators for Devonport Royal Dockyard, to have an emergency plan in place to deal with any reasonably foreseeable radiation emergency.
Follow this link for details of the Devonport off-site emergency plan.
Further Information
To facilitate comparison of the various surveys carried out in the Plymouth area, results from the Environment Agency (EA)/Food Standards Agency (FSA)/ Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas) and Babcock surveys can be seen by following the links below. These are the latest published reports. Some differences between the results are to be expected because of the statistical uncertainties inherent in the measurement of radioactivity at the low levels present in the environment.
Available Reports:
Babcock makes regular surveys of radioactivity in the marine environment in accordance with the requirements of its Permit for the discharge of radioactive waste, issued by the Environment Agency.
Monitoring for radioactivity is carried out at various locations along the banks of the Rivers Tamar, Lyner, Tavy and Plym. Measurements are made of environmental gamma dose rates and samples are taken of the sediment along the low waterline, and of seaweed, mussels and river water at various points. The monitoring points and arrangements for monitoring, sampling and analysis have been agreed with the Environment Agency.
Link: Babcock Environmental Monitoring Report 2023
The link below takes you to the Radioactivity in Food and the Environment annual report, RIFE-26. This report combines the results of independent monitoring for radioactivity in the environment carried out by the Environment Agency and Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS) on behalf of the Food Standards Agency.
Link: RIFE-26
The Local Liaison Committee (LLC) was created to provide a forum for members to gather information about general operations undertaken at the co-located Babcock and Naval Base sites at Devonport, and discuss health, safety and environmental issues. The Committee usually meets twice yearly, chaired alternately by the Ministry of Defence (MOD) and Babcock.
A summary of relevant site operations and safety performance, which was distributed to Committee Members is available below:
Devonport Local Liaison Committee – Elected Members
Environment Agency report to Devonport Local Liaison Committee (February 2025)
Defence Nuclear Safety Regulator Report (July 2024 – December 2024)
Office for Nuclear Regulation Report (July 2024 – December 2024)
Devonport Local Liaison Committee (LLC) (25 July 2024)
Devonport Local Liaison Committee Agenda (25 July 2024)
Devonport Local Liaison Committee (LLC) minutes (25 July 2024)
Plymouth City Council Devonport Local Liaison Committee Report (February 2025)