3 sep 2024
Babcock supports Polish Miecznik frigate programme

Jan Grabowski, PGZ SA Member of the Management Board and Phil Craig, Managing Director - International Shipbuilding, Babcock.
Babcock has signed a contract extension with PGZ SA, the Polish Armaments Groups, to continue our support to Poland’s Miecznik frigate programme through the project’s Programme Management Office (PMO), until the delivery of ship three in 2031.
Babcock experts are sharing knowledge and experience, supporting our Polish partners with technical engineering skills and information exchange, providing opportunities to develop ways to accelerate elements of the Miecznik programme.
Following a Strategic Cooperation Agreement signed in 2022 between Babcock and the PGZ-Miecznik Consortium, Babcock secured a Class Design Contract, Project Management Office support contract and a Transfer of Knowledge & Technology (TOKAT) framework agreement – the latter providing broader support in the development of the programme and the enhancement of shipbuilding capability in Poland.
A design licence agreement with the PGZ- Miecznik consortium was finalised in 2023, allowing the build of three frigates for the Polish Navy.
The support we have provided to the PGZ-Miecznik consortium throughout this period will now continue for the remainder of the project, building on the close ties forged between Babcock and our Polish partners.
Both the UK and Polish Governments selected Babcock’s AH140 design for their next generation of naval capability. Alongside other international partners, this places Poland as a key part of the growing AH140 international family.
Babcock has a number of personnel in country supporting the programme which varies depending on the need of the programme schedule, with the company providing expert advice to Poland’s sovereign defence capability through its rich heritage of designing, developing, manufacturing, and integrating specialist systems, and delivering technical through-life support and best practice.
Phil Craig, Managing Director – International Shipbuilding, Babcock, said: “We are proud to support the Miecznik programme and helping to grow the sovereign defence capability of Poland. Our team provides a critical role in bringing real time advice and expertise from our long-standing experience in global design, build and support programmes.
“With plans on developing strategic partnerships in Poland for future defence programmes, and with a long-term goal to be a sustained part of Poland’s armaments ecosystem, our commitment to Poland has been many years in the making and we are pleased to be making a positive impact.”
Jan Grabowski, PGZ SA Member of the Management Board, said: “The quality of the construction depends on the foundations on which it is built. Together with Babcock, we have taken on the challenge of designing and building multi-role frigates for the Polish Navy. Being aware of how much work and how many challenges are still ahead of us, we will jointly focus to achieve the goal – to strengthen the naval component of the Polish Armed Forces with Miecznik frigates.”
We continue to grow our presence as a partner in Poland, supporting the Miecznik programme and delivering local economic and social impact. Our in-country presence is crucial, with personnel working across headquarters in Warsaw and an office in Gdynia.
Developing the workforce and communities
Our long-term ambition is to create a sustainable presence in Poland. To achieve this, we have established various early career initiatives to identify and develop future talent.
Recently we’ve launched an in-country graduate scheme to develop local talent, and summer internships in partnership with the Polish Naval Academy.
Together with PGZ-SW we have also launched an apprentice exchange programme that allows apprentices the opportunity to travel to each company’s facilities for work experience.