RSME (Royal School of Military Engineering)
Delivering modern and progressive training

As part of the RSME Public Private Partnership (PPP) Babcock has improved the quality of service and training for soldiers at the Royal School of Military Engineering (RSME), creating greater value.
The RSME provides training in military engineering disciplines to 6,700 soldiers per annum developing the unique skills that are fundamental to the Corps of Royal Engineers.
Working in partnership with Mid Kent College Training Services and Pearson TQ, Babcock transformed its training model to deliver better quality, shorter courses. With 139 courses designed and delivered at the RSME, this provides over 220,000 training days a year. By transforming the training, we’ve been able to save 54,600 soldier training days.
Where possible, we removed instructor-led teaching and provided computer-based training (CBT) instead, broken down into small task-oriented packages followed by a series of practical problem-solving tasks, with all underpinning knowledge capable of delivery by e-learning.
This encourages soldiers to learn at their own pace, and work through each training objective in a workshop, then simulated field conditions, with supervision, mentoring and coaching by the teaching staff.
Training is divided into four occupational areas: combat engineering, construction trade, engineering trade and professional engineering.
Through an open and honest partnering approach, we deliver a successful managed training service, using Fixed Mastery Variable Time (FMVT) that has exceeded the requirements of the RSME. This has led to an average 13% reduction in training times.
All training follows the Defence Systems Approach to Training (DSAT) and the bespoke RSME training methodology, to meet both operational requirements and the standards required by a series of nationally recognised qualifications.
As well as exceeding KPIs across a range of services, we’re also developing learners who have a deeper understanding of their trade and who can resolve problems when confronted with real-life situations.
At a glance:
- Training delivery to over 6,500 Royal Engineers per annum.
- Design, development, and delivery of 139 courses, saving 54,600 soldier training days since Contract commencement.
- Provision of support services, including technical stores, vehicle and marine workshops and motor transport.
- Estate and facilities management across three locations (Medway, Minley and Bicester) for over 250 buildings.
Effective Support to Training
Our training is supported by a dedicated services team across three delivery sites: Minley, Hampshire, Medway, Kent and Bicester, Oxfordshire, covering 442 Hectares. The services team provides support in: management and administration; security; marine and automotive workshops; equipment and motor transport; and engineering resources.
In addition to these services the RSME contract also benefits from a dedicated IT system, which is a common platform that Babcock, our client and soldiers utilise for the delivery of the PPP. The Service Support Desk (SSD) is also integral to the operation of the RSME and provides a central resource for services such as booking facilities and transport, as well as acting as a performance management tool. The SSD handle c.3,200 service requests per month.
Infrastructure Management
As part of the RSME PPP we upgraded the secure establishments at Minley, Medway and Bicester, which Babcock manage on an ongoing basis. This includes over 10,000 planned preventative maintenance tasks on 272 buildings, 10,290 rooms and over 475,000 elements. A construction programme in the early years of the contract has brought significant improvements to training and living accommodation. Further lifecycle management planning and activity is in place to upgrade the standard of assets through the life of the contract.
Babcock manages the delivery of the lifecycle plan and RSME changes, including large scale new builds and refurbishment activity. This includes projects such as improved Single Living Accommodation (SLA) for the military, the development of Urban Training Houses in line with the ‘Train as We Fight’ intent and the installation of electric vehicle charging across our sites.
Our in-house maintenance team provides estate management, ground maintenance and refurbishment services. Through the infrastructure team we provide a robust and resilient service saving money for the Ministry of Defence.
In partnership with Eurest Support Services (ESS), part of the Compass Group, we also provide soft facilities management, such as catering and cleaning.
RSME in numbers:
- Designing and delivering over 139 different courses.
- Providing over 220,000 training days per annum.
- 13% average reduction in time needed to meet the same training goals.
- 54,600 student soldier training days saved.
- 6,700 soldiers under training per annum.
- Maintenance to 272 buildings.