1 Jan 2015
SEMTA Award for Babcock Engineering Academy

Second Successive SEMTA Award for Babcock Engineering Academy
Skills & Learning colleagues were delighted to attend the recent SEMTA Skills Awards 2015, designed to celebrate the best of British engineering. The Awards recognise the achievements of the most talented people and successful businesses working across the skills agenda in engineering and advanced manufacturing today.
George Pringle, Life Skills Coordinator at the Babcock Engineering Academy, was awarded the title of Skills Champion of the Year for his outstanding work on the personal development and life skills programmes for our EDF Energy Advanced Apprentices.
Each year Babcock trains c.180 maintenance apprentices and the life skills programme drives the cultural values and behavioural characteristics that EDF Energy requires from its nuclear professionals.
The award recognises excellence and achievement by a training professional in supporting and promoting holistic training programmes for employers and shines a spotlight on the individuals and teams who are behind the high quality, industry focused training.
On winning the award George Pringle said: “This represents a huge achievement for me personally and my colleagues at the Academy and we should all be exceptionally proud of the work and impact we have on the lives of the apprentices in our charge. We really do set them on a career pathway with confidence, competence and outstanding personal values.”
Costi Karayannis, Director – Energy & Engineering, said: “We are delighted that for the second year running our collective hard work and impact has been acknowledged in front of peers and customers. George came away a very worthy and popular winner of this prestigious award.”
View George’s award acceptance video here
Pictured: George Pringle, Babcock, receiving his SEMTA award from Steve Fogg of BAE Systems, sponsor of the Skills Champion of the Year award.