27 mai 2020
Delivering critical support to keep the lights on

Torness power station
At our manufacturing, assembly and test facility in Whetstone, Leicester, we are at the forefront of providing critical spares to maintain generation across the EDF Advanced Gas-cooled Reactor (AGR) fleet.
The outbreak of Coronavirus in the UK has not changed this important requirement and we are working hard to ensure that we keep our people safe, whilst providing EDF with the items and spares it requires to support continued generation.
We have a number of important projects underway for items, which if not delivered on time, could impact on generation. We are also ensuring that longer term critical projects, which need to be worked on now for delivery later this year are being progressed.
At our Whetstone facility where this important work is undertaken, we have introduced a number of measures since lockdown to reduce the risk for our employees and maintain the most effective service we can.
- Vulnerable and shielding staff were sent home in line with government guidelines.
- Any staff member who can work from home is doing so.
- Break times and lunchtimes have been staggered to ensure there are minimal numbers in canteen facilities.
- Social distancing measures have been introduced.
- Additional facility cleaning on door handles and flat surfaces is being undertaken.
- Additional PPE has been made available to all personnel.
- Hand gel Stations have been fitted on the inside of all external doors.
- Individual hand gels have been issued to each member of staff.
Matthew Dearden, Manufacturing Manager said, “It’s been great to see all the people in the works pulling together, picking up additional duties and covering where we have vulnerable people off site. We really are all in this together – as colleagues and in partnership with the customer EDF.”