26 3月 2020
Update on Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Babcock’s prime focus during these challenging times is the health, safety and wellbeing of our employees and those we work alongside – our customers and our supply chain partners.
We are continuously monitoring the developing situation making sure we are doing everything we can to keep our people safe, whilst also making sure that the vital role we play is able to continue; in the emergency services, in national security and in providing urgent response to those working on the frontline.
All employees that can work from home are doing so. The majority of our services are critical and many of our employees continue to work on sites across the UK and around the world supporting our customers’ critical operations .We are working closely with our customers, governments, Trade Unions, and Regulators to ensure that our employees are kept safe as we carry out our critical support roles, and we continue to implement additional measures to ensure the safety of our employees and sites in line with government policies.
In the UK, we are working closely with the Government and other customers to develop prioritised plans which ensure we can continue to deliver the services the country needs safely. Our aerial medical and critical offshore worker transport services remain operational. Across our Marine and Nuclear sectors we have worked closely with our Trade Union colleagues and our customers to ensure that key programmes continue to operate.
In addition, we have joined forces with a leading medical equipment company to design, manufacture and supply thousands of critical care ventilators for the NHS in response to the UK Government’s urgent request. A team of Babcock engineers and other specialists have worked round the clock to combine their engineering expertise with advances in medical technology, resulting in a supply chain solution that will help save lives.
Across Europe, in Italy, Spain, France, Portugal and Scandinavia, we continue to operate aerial emergency services, with all bases remaining open. In Italy, we have introduced the use of biocontainment isolation stretcher units for our helicopters, allowing COVID-19 positive patients to be transported safely. In Australia all our bases remain open, with staff working remotely wherever possible, and we have agreed joint priorities with our customers. In South Africa we continue to provide the maintenance and engineering support that keeps the power stations running.
Babcock Chief Executive Archie Bethel said:
“I could not be prouder of the way our teams are responding to the difficult situation, both personally and professionally. Our people are showing fantastic dedication, commitment and courage; whether on the front line or working remotely, they are determined to help our customers deliver their critical operations. My responsibility is to make sure everyone in Babcock goes home safe every day, and I am doing everything I can to make sure that happens.”
We are continuing to monitor this situation and will keep all stakeholders updated on developments as appropriate.