10 2月 2020
Tribute to Peter Rogers

It was with great sadness that we learned that our former Chief Executive, Peter Rogers had passed away.
Babcock Chief Executive Archie Bethel, who succeeded Peter following his retirement in August 2016, paid tribute to his former colleague:
“During his 13 years leading the Group, Peter’s contribution to the success of the company was immense. I had the great privilege of taking over his role as Chief Executive. I knew his would be big boots to fill and I wasn’t wrong.
“Those who knew him will have their own memories to reflect on, but my overriding memory will be of a man with huge courage and compassion. He had the courage to make the huge business decisions that drove this company forward, and the compassion to help people become the best they possibly could.”
Peter was highly respected by our customers, shareholders, directors and staff and he will be sadly missed. Our thoughts are with his family and friends at this time.