17 7月 2019
Rail business scoops two awards and a Highly Commended

Babcock’s Rail business is celebrating after winning two top awards and a Highly Commended at this year’s prestigious Rail Partnership Awards.
Lynsey Gilfillan, Head of Safety, Health, Environment and Quality accepted the Diversity and Inclusion award for her work undertaken on the Workplace Equality Project.
This is a project in which Babcock once again partnered with the Scottish Mental Health charity SeeMe to create a more inclusive, stigma free working environment focused on proactively managing the mental health of all our employees. To win this award companies need to demonstrate an inclusive, safe, welcoming and fair workplace that encourages new ideas and ways of thinking.
In a second coup, the team were awarded the ‘Preserving the History of the Railway’ award, which was accepted by Babcock’s Rail Systems Director, Andy McLaren, on behalf of the Scotland track delivery team, alongside Jon Tyler, Chairman of the Ferryhill Railway Heritage Trust. The project was to restore a grade A-listed turntable, including substantial de-vegetation operation, replacement of the main-line access railway track to the turntable, replacement of two sets of points and general clearance and tidying of the site.
The Highly Commended was given for the being babcock training programme, which addressed the issue of ‘Respect’ in the workplace along with combatting issues such as bullying and harassment.