1 12月 2023
Babcock introduce international apprentice exchange programme

Babcock has teamed up with PGZ-SW shipyard in Gdynia, Poland to launch a new international apprentice exchange programme.
Building on Babcock’s Skills Academy, launched earlier this year to provide learning opportunities and equip our workforce to meet the evolving challenges our customers will face in the future, the Polish programme is set to grow international collaboration and shared learning.
We will be maximising our existing relationship with PGZ-SW, following on from our selection as the platform design provider and technology partner for Poland’s MIECZNIK frigate programme. PGZ-SW is leading the build of the frigates at its facilities in Gdynia.
Newly qualified former apprentices Brandon and Ryan from Babcock’s Rosyth facility, along with Damian and Jakub, student workers from PGZ-SW, have spent two weeks participating in a pilot for the new exchange programme. During this time, they shared their knowledge whilst experiencing new and different ways of working.
In the first week, Brandon, a pipefitter and Ryan, a designer, visited Gdynia, where they had the opportunity to gain experience at PGZ-SW’s shipyard, including working in different teams across the shipyard and seeing activity taking place in their equivalent field.
The Babcock employees were also hosted by Jakub and Damian at CKZiU, the technical college, where they were shown what a typical day looks like for the Polish students. As part of the exchange, they experienced the local culture by visiting the Naval Museum and the science centre.
Similarly, the following week we were delighted to reciprocate a visit for hull fitter students Jakub and Damian to our Rosyth facility to spend time visiting various teams and learning about the work carried out on the Type 31 general purpose frigate programme which Babcock is leading for the UK Royal Navy. site.
We plan to roll out the programme during Summer 2024 where apprentices from Babcock and students from PGZ-SW shipyard in Gdynia will have the chance to participate in the exchange programme.
Phil Craig, Babcock’s Managing Director for International Shipbuilding, said: “We are delighted to have launched the pilot programme which we can use to tailor a full roll out of activity next summer.
“Through this initiative, we are strengthening our relationship with Gdynia and PGZ-SW shipyard, whilst supporting and promoting our Early Careers ambitions for young people working at Babcock.
“It’s mutually beneficial for both Babcock and PGZ-SW to work together and this unique experience offers Babcock apprentices the opportunity to work internationally and build links overseas.”
Both academic institutions (Fife College, and CKZiU in Gdynia) are working in collaboration with Babcock and PGZ-SW on supporting the exchanges.