18 Mar 2021
Babcock announces extension to Victoria Class In-Service Support Contract

English DNPA2012-0220-6 20 February, 2012 ESQUIMALT, BRITISH COLUMBIA HMCS Victoria transits in the vicinity of Esquimalt during sea training trials and exercises on February 20, 2012. Her Majesty’s Canadian Submarine (HMCS) Victoria conducted diving operations today in the local waters near Victoria, B.C. Today’s dive was witnessed by General Walt Natynczyk, Chief of the Defence Staff, and Vice-Admiral Paul Maddison, Commander, Royal Canadian Navy. HMCS Victoria is currently at sea conducting equipment trials and crew training such that the submarine can be declared fully operational in 2012. Photo Jacek Szymanski, Navy Public Affairs, © 2012 DND-MDN Canada French/Français DNPA2012-0220-6 20 février 2012 Esquimalt (Colombie-Britannique) Le NCSM VICTORIA navigue près d’Esquimalt lors d’essais et d’exercices en mer, le 20 février 2012. Le général Walt Natynczyk, le chef d'état-major de la Défense, et le vice-amiral Paul Maddison, le commandant de la Marine royale canadienne, ont assisté aujourd’hui aux opérations de plongée du navire canadien de Sa Majesté (NCSM) Victoria menées dans les eaux locales de Victoria (C.-B.). Le NCSM Victoria est présentement en mer pour des essais d'équipement et l'entraînement de l'équipage de sorte que le sous-marin puisse être déclaré entièrement opérationnel en 2012. Photo : Jacek Szymanski, Affaires publiques de la Marine, © 2012 DND-MDN Canada
Babcock Canada is pleased to announce that the Government of Canada has opted to exercise two one-year contract extension options to the existing Victoria In-Service Support Contract (VISSC). Originally awarded in 2008, exercising the options will see VISSC extended to June 2023.
VISSC is one of the largest naval in-service support contracts in Canada and includes project management, technology integration, logistics, configuration and safety records management, engineering support, capability upgrades, refits and deep maintenance periods to support Canada’s fleet of four Victoria-Class submarines (VCS).
For over 12 years, Babcock Canada has collaborated with the Fleet Maintenance Facility (FMF) Cape Scott, the FMF Cape Breton, the Department of National Defence (DND), and Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) to maintain, refit, and upgrade Canada’s VCS.
Mike Whalley, Babcock Canada’s President, said: “Through the hard work and dedication of our team, sharing knowledge and innovative solutions, we have helped Canada grow and strengthen its strategic submarine sustainment capabilities. This further extension to the contract underlines Canada’s confidence in our partnership with the Victoria Class Submarine Sustainment Enterprise.” Babcock continues to invest in Canada’s strategic submarine capability, and through VISSC has helped generate over 2 billion dollars in GDP impact. Since 2008, Babcock has helped create and maintain over 2,000 jobs, both directly and through the establishment of a supply chain of over 450 Canadian businesses across the country.»