12 Sep 2017
World class delivery of QEC project

Aircraft Carrier leaving Babcock Pic Peter Devlin
The size and scale of the Queen Elizabeth Class (QEC) project – delivering the nation’s largest warships – is unparalleled. Playing a critical role in the Aircraft Carrier Alliance, Babcock International Group has worked collaboratively to deliver this project over the last decade whilst strengthening our position as the leading support provider for the Royal Navy.
Utilising UK wide facilities, and a wealth of specialised knowledge and experience, we have delivered detailed design and whole ship assembly of the QEC from her keel to mast.
With critical components successfully completed across our sites, including cutting edge CAD-based modelling, and design and development of the bow and a number of upper blocks, assembly and fit-out for QEC remains one of our flagship programmes in Rosyth.
The linchpin for weapons development, our Leicester facility has ensured that each vessel’s innovative Highly Automated Mechanised Weapons Handling System critically delivers when required. Eighteen state of the art shiplifts, four hanger doors and integrated waste systems – enabling 98% of the vessel’s waste to be recycled – have given the QEC world class status.
We delivered in excess of 10,000 tonnes of manufactured components to Rosyth for assembly, including eight major blocks, 285 sponson units and 61 catwalk units.
Celebrating 22 million man-hours, and responsible for more than 50% of the detailed design, the manufacture of key components and systems and final ship assembly at Rosyth all underpinning the QEC programme, our longstanding engineering heritage is clear to see.
With strategically located facilities offering safe, secure docking and first-class marine support and training, we are trusted to deliver some of the world’s most challenging naval engineering projects.