10 نوفمبر 2023
Adding value to our local communities

The team at our new Jackal Production Facility recently hosted a Skills-based Work Academy Programme (SWAP) in collaboration with the local Department of Work and Pensions and Plymouth City Council (PCC).
The five-day SWAP course was run for 14 attendees from the local Devonport area and provided a comprehensive training programme, including health and safety and employability qualifications, coaching around mindset and advice and support in finding employment.
Attendees also had the opportunity to visit our new state-of-the-art Jackal Production Facility, gaining an insight into the contract where we’re working alongside Supacat to build 70 new Jackal vehicles for the British Army, and learn about the other important work we do in helping to create a safe and secure world.
We are committed to the communities in which we operate, and we’re pleased to be supporting the British Army’s Land Industrial Strategy by securing critical industrial skills and capabilities and enhancing social value, including the creation of new jobs. We’re pleased to have found roles within the contract for five people on the SWAP, and to have worked with PCC to create clear employability plans for the other attendees.
We are looking forward running further SWAPs at Devonport in the new year.
Find out more about our Jackal Contract.